IYPH Success Stories
The following short articles are prepared by the NAPPO International Year of Plant Health Expert Group (IYPH-EG)to inform the public on NAPPO activities to promote plant health in the region as part of NAPPO´s efforts to support the IYPH. Articles will be developed and published once per month by members of the EG. Click on the links below to learn more and stay tuned for future articles

Short articles on NAPPO´s IYPH contribution to plant health
- NAPPO 101: How 3 Nations Protect Plant Health Across a Continent.
- Commemoration of the 120th Anniversary of Plant Health in Mexico.
- Electronic Phytosanitary Certification.
- Globe-trotting tree pests.
- How NAPPO Is Contributing to Healthy Seed Trade.
- NAPPO IYPH Country 2020 Accomplishments
- Importance of Pest Free Areas (PFA)
- How NAPPO Countries Help Reduce the Pest Risk from Sea Containers and Their Cargoes
Articles courts sur la contribution de la NAPPO à l'AISV à la santé des plantes
- NAPPO 101 : Comment trois nations assurent la protection phytosanitaire d’un continent tout entier.
- Célébrations du 120e anniversaire de la santé des végétaux au Mexique.
- Certification phytosanitaire électronique.
- Des ravageurs d’arbres globe-trotteurs
- De quelle manière la NAPPO soutient-elle le commerce de semences saines?
- Réalisations des pays de la NAPPO en 2020 dans le cadre de l'année internationale de la santé des végétaux (AISV).
- Importance des zones exemptes de phytoravageurs (ZEP).